The Incomparable White Six

Sunday, August 10, 2014

DateCreated10/25/2005 9:43:00 AM
PostedDate10/25/2005 9:06:00 AM
Body*splat is the best punk dye available
*play craps if you gamble, best odds and amazing fun
*investigate the dog you intend to adopt (please instead of buying), understand it's nature, then buy a collar and identification implant for it
*do not declaw cats
*pay your employees what they are worth, and thank them for the money they make for you
*do not trust cops just because you are white, but definitely don't if you aren't
*teach me any yiddish you know, i'm always trying to get my jewish friends to tell me some, but apparently they do not visit their grandmother very often
*make me cake any time, any day
*keep beverages in your fridge for guests
*bring beverages to visit your friends
*give away your clothing you don't wear to your friends (thanks meagan)
*try wasabi funyuns
*do not patronize hamburger mary's west hollywood, horrific service
*do patronize basix and cha cha cha, both have great happy hour specials, awesome and unique food
*i love the abbey, there i said it
*i hate the abbey's music
*rich people do get treated MUCH differently, i know, i got to have a hotel room i would never afford on my own. how much does it suck to find that out
*someone please get rid of bush
*hawaiians are neato
*do not shave if you are a woman, it is not necessary
*stop the car and get a confused dog out of traffic, you are not in that much of a hurry (but not if the owner is there)
*drink patron, but not a HUGE amount
*it is not a sin against patron to make margaritas with it, they are actually quite lovely
*if you like girls, cut your fingernails
*clear surfaces in your living space, it will be the best cleaning technique you will ever employ
*matching is overrated, colors are not meant to be the same in clothing, they are meant to compliment
*do not tell people you are a vegan, do yoga, don't drink and are allergic to gluten unless it comes up; it's too much in one sitting
*if you are allergic to gluten, you can talk to these people about it
*if you are like me, you can talk to the waitress at el coyote about your habits and nutritional challenges
*age becomes irrelevant at a certain point; my friends are anywhere from 18 to 43, and i don't even know which ones are which
*hair color, tattoos, pierces. nothing to do with capability in the workplace. are we that stupid?
*i still don't believe in prostitution, no matter how trendy it is to support it
*i flew to new york this morning in my astral projection. for real b
*i'm afraid of wide open spaces
*ani di franco changed my mind about guns; i've shot almost every different kind and i never will again. thanks dude
*death is not real
*i can take you on a death tour of hollywood, just ask me and we can make an arrangement 


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