The Incomparable White Six

Tuesday, August 05, 2014



is it wrong for me to wish that all really active fit people fall into the hole they are climbing?   well, i guess not.   since they usually die of heart attacks first.  so it's not my job.  "god" be with you.  eek i'm morbid today.  yay!  blessed be.

a stirring effusion flutters off my arthur.   i have a very large slice from arthur’s claw on my hand.  he refuses to be pilled.  he’s claustrophobic.  he doesn’t want anyone to make his choice.  i agree with that ideal.  i have a DNR.  and, so does he.  cause he’s my captive.  and my child.  and i believe in assisted suicide.  there’s just a point… you know?

i have the tattoo “bleed” on my wrist.  everyone timidly assumes its suicidal.  why, if so?  why not cry out to the world like most truly suicidal folk?  think about it… they always leave a note.  over and over and over again, before they actually leave that last.  note.  yes.  i’ve thought about it.  but, certainly not while i gained that ink on my my wrist.  it’s just a cool word, meaning a dead obvious idea of what my words do with me.  they bleed from me.  but back to offing oneself…. if i’m gonna do it, wtf kinda jack off idea is that, tattooing it on my wrist?  it will just be plain old blood there.  

but i wouldn’t go that route anyhow.  booooring.  and painful!  i think i’d like to go the soft and easy car in the closed garage sweet dreams and goodnight.  i wonder what the corpse looks like for that choice.  pause.  googling.  ok, whoah.  who knew there was a cutest dead guys website.  well, now we do.  goodness, the government probably has a webcam in my wigs with the sites i look at.

is my blog called prescribe.  ps.  i love nurse jackie.  and i have. no …good.. prescriptions.  unless you count the norco i left sitting at rite aid for months cause they, sadly, make me sick.   what a waste.

ps. i’ve recently had the great pleasure of finally touching two very real dead bodies.  the circumstance must remain a secret, but it was quite thrilling.  now, before you jump to conclusions, i had absolutely no part in their passing.  and certainly, if i would, these two wouldn’t have been my first choices.  

i’m considering becoming a mortician.  perhaps i will go by mortie when the time comes.  i think that’s a dandy name.  


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